Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Final Walk-cycle

Here is my final walk-cycle:

Overall, I am reasonably happy with this, especially considering that I have never used Flash before, and I have never attempted animation before.

I also think that the character I designed was just always inevitably going to be hard to animate, and given that, I think the result isn't too bad.

If I had more time, I would have changed the background, perhaps made it outside with multiple layers moving at different speeds, but as it was, I had spent most my time struggling with the animation of the character as I had thought this the most important.

I was very happy when we watched my walk-cycle in class and a few students said that they felt sorry for Murtagh because he seemed to be in pain - this is exactly the reaction I had wanted, so I guess I did a good job!

Its time for me to let this project go now and focus on the final - INTERACTIVE NARRATIVE!

God save me!

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