Friday, October 30, 2009

Setting up the Flash Stage...

By far, most difficult part of the project was setting up the stage, with all the animations, all the objects, the actionscript and labels.

I spent a couple of weeks trying to work it out, but nothing seemed to work.

At first, I put everything on different layers/movieclips, and inside these movieclips I had the appropriate animations and actionscript:

As you can see, everything is on frame 1.
The 5 layers that have a red cross next to it are the movieclips containing animations. All other layers are just images of objects.

This is an example of what is inside the movieclips shown above. There is a still on the first frame, and the rest contain animations.
This way of organising the stage didn't work for me - it was much too complicated and difficult to access.

Then, after some help, I set the stage up like this:
This is how I made my game in the end.
I have the different animations all on frames that I could call in my actionscript. There are also layers here with still object images on them, but all animations can easily be accessed here.

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